Living from Source Energy and Higher Consciousness

So many wander aimlessly through life, living unconsciously, frenzied and frantic, often disturbed and agitated. They live life bouncing from one reaction to another like the steel ball in a pinball machine. Their reactions are often driven by fear and confusion as they receive the input that bombards all of us, from the world around us and outside of us.

These reactions often become part of their internal programming which drives their reactive and habitual behavior which almost always produces an undesirable effect as a life experience.

It is time to just STOP it. There is a better way, a Certain Way, to live life to the fullest, personally and professionally; to accomplish, achieve. and experience successful outcomes and the realization of worthy, intentional goals and dreams.

It’s time to stand in your power, to live from pure potentiality, to live solely from your higher self and from a higher, illumined state of consciousness. It’s time to make the shift to living from ‘On High.’

Listen in now to this episode. This just might be what you need to make the shift in your life, which will make all the difference in the world, when it comes to living the life you would love to live.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Quantum Leap Goal Achievement – Your Next Step

I have always told you that you do not have to know the ‘HOW’ when you are deciding what big dream goal you are choosing to pursue. Your part is to think from that secret place of Infinite Potential within you. Your part is also being willing to do what it will take and believing you are able to do whatever is necessary for its fulfillment.

With that being said, you still have to take action even though you don’t know the ‘HOW’ part of what you want to accomplish. So what’s next?

In this episode I take you by the hand into your very next step and then into your next as you move deeper into the goal achievement process. Remember, in order to make a quantum leap in the direction of all you would love to experience, personally and professionally and within your organization, you must do things in a Certain Way.

You can save yourself a lot of time and frustration by maintaining order throughout this process. I am aslo willing to help you and your organization become very effective and efficient when it comes to this orderly process.

You’ve made the decision, you’ve identified the desire you will pursue; don’t let yourself or your company get stuck wondering what’s next.

Listen in now and we’ll do this together!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Moving Into Your Vision – Energy and Frequency Adjustment

So you made your list and determined exactly and specifically what you would love to create in your life, personally and professionally, in the year ahead. You did that right?

If not or If you’re new to this show and / or this process, go back a few episodes so that you may set yourself and your company up properly to efficiently and effectively knock out your vision and big dream goals in the year ahead.

In this episode I help you to move beyond any limiting and false beliefs you may be holding onto. Then I move you into the process of adding specificity to your vision and explain why it’s necessary for you to do this.

Once that is done I help you move energetically into your vision. You must change the frequency on which you are living. Just like adjusting the dial on a tuner, you may need to adjust your energetic frequency to match your desires.

Listen to this episode for detailed instructions. If you would like to take the shortest, quickest route to the realization of all your goals and dreams, you must go about it in this Certain Way so that you are cooperating with the laws of infinite potential.

The time is now to get started on next year’s vision, goals and dreams. Your future self is watching you now through memories and will be so glad that this time you paid attention and got started on the achievement process the right way, the  Certain Way, that assures your success.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

Key Elements of the Certain Way – Quantum Leap Goal Achievement

Did you begin to make your list and consider what you would love to create in your personal and professional life? Did you look at every area of your life, your business, your company, your organization, your ministry? Did you spend some time in the silence giving serious thought to ALL the things you would love to experience in the year ahead; to be, to do, and to have?

This is the starting point for going about quantum leap goal achievement in a Certain Way.

In this episode we also take a look at your beliefs. What do you believe is true for you vs. what is actually true?

Listen to this episode for detailed instructions. If you would like to take the shortest, quickest route to the realization of all your goals and dreams, you must go about it in a Certain Way.

The time is now to get started on next year’s goals and dreams. Your future self is watching you now through memories and will be so glad that this time, you paid attention and got started on the achievement process the right way, the Certain Way, that assures your success.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

Achieving Your Impossible Dream

First up in this week’s entry, I would like to wish everyone who is celebrating Thanksgiving a very happy and joy filled day. I would also like to invite you to sustain the state of thanksgiving moving forward. Every single day get into an attitude of gratitude by making a list of what you’re grateful for. This will go a long way when it comes to shifting your energy to a consciousness of positive expectation.

From this place of gratitude, start to consider what you would love to create in your life. What would you love to be, do, and have in the year ahead, personally and professionally?

Make a list. write it out by hand.

But first, listen to this episode for detailed instructions. To make manifest what you may have previously considered an impossible dream, is indeed possible when you learn how to go about it in a Certain Way.

The time is now to get started on next year’s goals and dreams. Your future self is watching you now through memories and will be so glad that this time, you paid attention and got started on the achievement process the right way, the Certain Way, that assures your success.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development