Frequency – Vibration – Goal Achievement – Culture – Transformation

To make quantum leaps and experience intentional radical transformation for yourself, your small business or in your corporate environment, it all comes down to vibration and frequency. The bottom line is this; we live in a cause and effect universe. If you don’t like what has been showing up for you as your results and experience, you have to look at the cause that has produced the undesirable effect.

You may have heard that you must match the vibration of the thing you want and then the thing you want will be yours. This is true. It’s called vibrational alignment. But how do you do that? What exactly is the vibration of the thing you want and how do you match it?

This always puzzled me when I first started studying metaphysical principles decades ago and I knew it was something I had to really comprehend to get where I wanted to be.

In this episode I provide some illustrations to help you visualize what this is all about. This will help you begin to make your initial shift and help you develop momentum.

In the next episode we’ll look at ways to sustain the vibrational match and the corresponding emotional state necessary to move you from where you are to where you want to be. Don’t miss these episodes, listen now, you’ll be glad you did.

Don’t hesitate to reach out. I would love to help you, and / or your company with this.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Strive for Excellence in this Moment

In this episode I talk about disengaging from the ceaseless inner chatter that is going on within all of us. It’s not something you can stop but you can certainly calm it down and choose to direct it to be a cheerleader rather than a negative voice that is always critical of every thought, word and action that makes up your day.

I’ll be speaking about different techniques we can use to tame this monkey mind in the next episode. In this entry I am inviting you to focus on bringing excellence to every eternal moment of right now. When you strive for excellence in every moment, how good do you think you will feel at the end of the day?

When you feel good about your day and the movement you made in the direction of your dream, you’ll quiet the negative inner dialogue because your mind will tend to speak positive words of support and encouragement.

Bringing excellence to everything you do is one of the ways you make a quantum leap toward your dreams and aspirations. Develop this into a habit and it will totally transform your life and the results that show up for you day in and day out will be astonishing.

Listen in now to take a deeper dive.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

From Stuck to Manifestation Acceleration

This show is about helping you to make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be; the realization of your greatest vision for your life, personally and professionally.

Of course the first step is getting started by deciding what it is you want by identifying your dreams and desires for you personally and / or your objectives professionally for your small business or on your corporate teams. I have found that even this step is difficult for most people. They get stuck on the ‘how’? They get stuck by not giving themselves permission to dream big enough and the list goes on. Then even if they do decide on the one big dream goal they are going to pursue, there comes a few roadblocks where almost everyone gets stuck.

If you are aware of these stoppers at the beginning of your quest you can identify them when you are stuck then get to work on the solutions to move you along your way and into your quantum leap.

In this episode I help you to identify where you might be stuck. We’ll take a deeper dive in the next few episodes too, working on solutions. For now, listen in and get out of that funk quickly whenever these stoppers show up that keep you stuck.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Envisaging IV – The Certain Way – Final Steps for Manifestation

Over the last few episodes I have outlined the process of a ‘certain way’ that we impress the energy we are immersed in. This certain way that we impress energy considers all the elements of mind and the way we are wired, so that we are more effective when we deliberately ask for whatever it is we want to experience in our lives, personally and professionally.

The five elements of the certain way include; relaxation, concentration, silence / meditation, realization and gratitude. This episode wraps up the process covering the fourth and fifth step; realization and gratitude. Be sure to listen to the prior episodes so you don’t miss any element of this certain way. Today’s episode picks up where the last one left off. The process of this certain way is to be used as a companion to the five step manifestation process I put out there earlier this year on this podcast and in my book.

Know that there is a certain way to create the life you would love to live. There is a certain way to create more and more success in your life. There is a certain way to create the life you have perhaps only dreamed of living. Yes, there is a certain way you can indeed, be, do and have it ALL.

If you have had enough of getting stuck, if you really want to take your life experience to the next level and move into the desires of your heart, personally and professionally; then take this deep dive with me by listening in now.

Stay with this process, establish a regular, habitual practice for yourself, an appointment you keep with yourself and watch all your desires be made manifest with ease and grace. Each week I have taken you by the hand and guided you deeper into Universal Transcendent Mind, and the certain way of tapping into the Energy responsible for all creation.

This radical transformation and quantum leap goal achievement information is for individuals, small business owners and those of you in the corporate environment.

Wherever you may be on your path, you must learn this certain way in order to experience your greatest vision for your most ideal life, whatever that may be.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

What’s YOUR Problem?

In this episode I take a deep dive into what it could be that you really, really want in your life and why you aren’t experiencing it yet. What is it going to take for you to make the decision to step into the life you would love to live?

We’re just about at the point of wrapping up the third quarter of this year. Where are you in relation to where you want to be? Listen in now as we look at your life as an individual, a small business owner or a member of a corporate team.

I break desires down into four categories to help you decide what’s calling you the most. Don’t miss this episode, it could be just what you need to take YOU to the next level. It’s time to experience quantum leaps when it comes to your own goal achievement and experience radical personal and professional transformation.

It’s time to become fully engaged with life and living!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International